Experts in speaking with your consumers or those within the industry
From small local sports clubs to the largest sporting entities on the planet, we've supported in finding out vital information from club supporters, general sport specific fans and rival supporters or clubs. We have covered an array of subject matters from the clubs and sport itself, to clothing preferences, purchasing drivers and hospitality requirements.
Understanding the opinions of supporters of a specific sport, team/club or those of sports fans in general is vital in ensuring growth, engagement and delivering a great customer experience.
Assisting clubs and teams to gain more customers and supporters. We speak to people about all things you and the environment that influences how and where they spend their money. Don't guess on which merchandise to sell or how it should be designed, ask those who you want to buy it.
Improved customer experience strategies through gaining insights from your loyal fanbase.
Sporting events, clubs and teams are nothing without those who suppliy them with goods and services. We support suppliers by gaining insights into an array of subjects which can help them to gain new business and improve oporations and service delivery to the sporting industry.
Be it a new product release, charity endevour or a new event or campaign. We can help ensure you are making the right decisions based on insight led data. Just throwing money at something and hoping for the best or expecting the same as last time is far riskier than using insights to shape where and how you invest your money. Through insights you can increase your R.O.I
Let emotion be what motivates you to succeed. Let data make it happen.
For a major sporting brand we have spoken to large numbers of football fans. We have conducted this peice of research for 2 years running and a 3rd is planned for 2025.
A company is planning an oinnovative training product and wanted to speak with martial arts cliubs who they are planning to stock the item. We covered an array of subject matters from application and design to cost and packaging.
For a manufacturer of fishing equipment we were asked to discuss all things fishing with a wide range of people into the sport.
For a clothing and equipment provider we spoke to golfers about what makes them want to spend money on clothing, clubs and other equipment.
We have global reach so wherever you are, we are here to help!
We are the number one stop for all things research. We have global reach and databases of willing participants from a vast array of demographics. Specialising in those harder to reach groups.
16 to 24 Market Research is part of The ULIA Group Ltd Company No: 14195364 VAT Reg No: 425651793 ICO Reg No: ZB345309